Sunday, January 26, 2014

Well once again it has been a while!! Once school picks up I get so caught up in creating things for my own class that I rarely make it TpT ready and get it up and going. But, finally I have finished my Candy Centers Pack. I am using these centers in conjunction with the reading of The Chocolate Touch, but they do not correspond to the text, just the common core skills.

There are 4 ELA centers and 4 Math centers and they cover the following "I can" Statements, which have proven themselves to be tricky for my students. 

I can choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely. (L 4.3a) 
I can identify how a text is structured and answer questions about the text. (RI 4.4)
I can identify how a word is used in a sentence. (4.L.1) 
I can identify figurative language in a text. (RL 4.4)
I can solve word problems using elapsed time. (4.MD.2)
I can identify equivalent fractions by multiplying a fraction by n/n. (4.NF.1)
I can identify which operation to use. (4.OA.3)
I can find the factors of a number. (4.OA.2, 4.OA.4)

 I want to give a kudos to an AMAZING teacher I found while searching the web! I literally do not know how she does it.. her products are so comprehensive and have made my life so much easier!

Her assessment pack for ELA and Math are both awesome!! I even had to gush to my students about my new teacher idol! Who is yours?! 

In other exciting news, my school's chess team recently went to our first tournament. We played in The Chess Mates Classic at Scottlandville Middle Magnet in Baton Rouge. The kids had an awesome time and our team came in second place!! Not too shabby considering their coach just learned to play this summer!

And last, but not least, we have been having some CRAZY weather. We even had a snow day last Friday and its expected to snow again on Tuesday. For those of you up North, stop looking now, because when you see our snow you will surely laugh but for Louisiana, this is a BIG deal. 

But can you blame us? Look at all this snow! Haha!

In honor of the Winter Snow Storm 2014. I have a Snowman themed freebie!!

Enjoy your winter week!

As Always, Happy Teaching, 
Ms. Winter

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