Monday, July 21, 2014

Back to School Business


Well as much as I had hope to pound out a Made It Monday the only thing I made it was home. After a wonderful, relaxing, and somewhat overcast beach weekend I had no time to finish up my math homework packet. It will be up before the start of school-- HOPEFULLY!

 But in my blog browsing, I found a linky party today that I am most definitely ready for. 

I LOVE to shop, and when I can include that as school prep I feel way less guilty about it. I have been searching the Target Dollar Spot and Dollar Tree religiously since I have extra time these days :). Did I mention I love summer?

I found these awesome buckets two summers ago at Target, I wished I had bought more at the time and so I have finally added these to my collection! I put labels on them for things such as pencils, markers, crayons, etc. That way it is each for the kids to pick up the whole set bring it to their desk or center area and clean up is quick and easy too!The Target dollar spot also had some adorable name tags. Most of my students know each other already since I am at a very small school, but I use them to level the playing field for new students and to make myself remember the name and face of anyone I don't know yet. 

And for my last Target purchase, I got this planner that I will be using to help me stay super organized. My main goal this year is to become more of an efficient teacher/ TpT seller/ blogger. I hope this will make my task easier. The best part about this planner is it was about $10 and we all know how expensive a good planner can be! It is also super cute. I love chevron!! 

I also hit up my local school supplies store, School Aids to get some adorable borders, desk name plate holders, and name tags. I also ordered some magnetic border. I guess I am behind the times, but I didn't know that existed! I will show all of these when I reveal my new classroom… hopefully BEFORE school starts. We are currently LOCKED out due to construction. 

Finally I stopped at Office Depot, who is having a teacher appreciation sale through tomorrow 20% for star teachers!! If you aren't a star teacher you can sign up and get the rewards!! I got 10 Notebooks, 20 folders, a huge binder, page protectors, and page protectors with dividers all for around $40. What a steal!! :) 

I hope you are having shopping success!!

Have a wonderful day! 
Ms. Winter


  1. This is always the time of year I have to avoid stores.. even though I'm not in the classroom, there is a part of me that has this desire to buy back to school stuff... #teacheratheart

  2. I didn't know Office Depot was having their teacher appreciation sale this week...good thing it's right next to Target. Sorry hubby...
    Thanks for linking up!

  3. So happy to find your blog through Elizabeth's linky! :) Excited to follow you!
